Elder Abuse F.A.Q.

Frequently Asked Personal Injury Questions Surrounding Elder Abuse

What exactly is elder abuse?

According to the US l Administration on Aging, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, elder abuse is defined as, “any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult.”

An incidence of elder abuse can occur in the home, in nursing homes setting and in other treatment settings.

What are the different kinds of elder abuse?

According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, there are seven general categories of elder abuse:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect
  • Abandonment
  • Financial exploitation
  • Self-neglect

What are some warning signs of elder abuse?

Family members and loved ones may notice a variety of signs that point to elder abuse. And the indicators may be disparate. They include, but are in no way limited to:

Unexplained injuries and frequent use of medical providers; fearful behavior and unexplained anxiety or withdrawal; development of sexually transmitted diseases or genital injury; malnourishment and poor hygiene; discrepancies between your loved-one’s standard of living and their income; and even refusal  of care.

It must also be noted that these symptoms may also be indicative of other issues not necessarily related to elder abuse.

Where should I report a suspected case of elder abuse?

Any suspected incidence of elder abuse should immediately be reported to local law enforcement emergency services (911) to address any immediate issues. Thereafter, it’s also important to contact Adult Protective Services (APS) and a longterm care ombudsman. Finally, it’s important to share your concerns with any treating physicians or medical providers and to consult an experienced personal injury attorney who can help explore options to recover damages.

Call the experienced personal injury attorneys at Bizzieri Law Offices at 773.881.9000 if you have other questions about filing a personal injury claim in an elder abuse case.

Practice Areas

Personal Injury

Construction Negligence

Nursing Home Negligence

Motor Vehicle Accidents

  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Bus Accidents
  • Train Accidents

Premises Liability

  • Dog Bites

Medical Malpractice

  • Failure to Diagnose Cancer

Dental Malpractice

Employment Law
Legal Malpractice




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