Among the most pernicious kinds of injuries workers experience on construction sites are respiratory diseases. Among these kinds of diseases, one of the most serious is Pneumoconiosis, a chronic dust disease often emanating from employment (often in coalminers). Pneumoconiosis has resulted in death for workers exposed to:

Asbestos: Asbestos produces dust that, if inhaled, deposits in the lungs and causes serious illnesses that include asbestosis (lung scarring) and mesothelioma (malignant cancer in the lining of the chest or abdominals). These melodies can stem from long-term exposure. So one-time exposure is rarely a cause in such cases.

Because of health-related issues, asbestos has been banned by the EPA for use in spray-on materials containing more than 1% asbestos in buildings. Since the 1960s, asbestos lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers and those that use products containing the product, and as a result, manufacturers avoid its use in an effort to limit their legal exposure.

As asbestos has been linked to serious illness and even deadly harm, it’s important to understand how to avoid exposure. Because it’s not found in nature and is typically found in fused products, it’s difficult to identify the product when encountering it. It’s therefore paramount to limit exposure to know where the product has customarily been used. These are some of the places where builders have traditionally used the product:

• Pipe wrapping

• Roofing felt

• Vinyl flooring

• Cement shingles

• Cement products

• Disk brake pads

• Vehicle components

• Roof coating

Health-related impacts of exposure to asbestos have been found in workers exposed in the shipbuilding industry, asbestos mining and milling, the manufacturing of asbestos products, insulation work in the construction trades, brake repair, and other trades as well. Demolition workers, drywall removers, and firefighters are also among the groups where asbestos exposure has been found to be high.

If you are suffering from an asbestos-related health issue, your exposure may entitle you to a product liability claim against your employers or even the manufacturers or suppliers of asbestos or another product that caused your injury.

If that is the case, you need a personal injury attorney with a strong track record of success in winning damages in personal injury and product liability claims. Call the attorneys of Bizzieri Law Offices in Chicago to find an attorney with the right experience and a dedication to winning the largest compensation awards to which their clients are entitled. Call us today at 773.881.9000. Our initial consultation is free and we don’t get paid unless we recover damages for you.