According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1.4 million people in the United States suffer head or brain trauma each year.  If you or a loved-one has been the victim of an accident resulting in a traumatic brain injury, you should be aware of compensation you are entitled to based on personal injury law. These are steps you should take if you wish to recover personal injury damages.

Firstly, any person suffering traumatic brain injury must always seek immediate medical treatment and never refuse treatment in the aftermath of an accident. Only a qualified physician is in a position to be able to assess your condition and determine if your injuries require treatment. Many times, serious brain injuries do not present with obvious symptoms.

Also, if personal injury damages are what you seek to compensate for medical treatment, lost wages and other losses resulting from your accident, contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer like those at Bizzieri Law Offices in Chicago, who specialize in brain injury litigation, should be a priority following initial treatment. Brain injury claims can be complex cases to litigate and damages can range wildly based on proof of liability and medical diagnosis. It’s vital that anyone seeking damages in such cases consult with an attorney in order to identify the responsible party or parties, and the array of damages you are eligible to receive in your claim.

Traumatic brain injuries can stem from a wide variety of accidents from slip and falls to automobile accidents to sports and workplace accidents. Generally speaking, however, neglect is often the reason behind the accident itself. Proving neglect will likely become the basis of your claim. It’s important then that medical testimony be incorporated as part of your claim.

Therefore, it’s important that the claim prove: the responsible party/parties owed the plaintiff a “duty of care”; the responsible party/parties did not act with reasonable care toward the plaintiff; that failure to act was the cause of the plaintiff’s injuries; and those injuries are measurable under the law.

This can be a difficult process, to say the least. And if the defendant has a wealth of legal resources behind them, that makes your road all the more arduous to navigate.

The experienced personal injury attorneys of Bizzieri Law Offices in Chicago bring a strong track record of success to brain injury claims. We work tirelessly to identify the responsible party or parties in your claim, find the evidence to identify the nature of your accident and medical injuries and prove your claim.

Call our offices at 773.881.9000 if you would like to speak with a qualified and experience personal injury attorney today. The initial consultation is free, and we never collect a fee unless we recover damages in your claim.