If you’ve ever been involved in a serious car accident, you know just how confusing the whole situation can be. Add injuries at the hands of others and now you’ve got a mess on your hands. Filing a police report, protecting your rights to recover compensation, even identifying the correct defendants can all constitute an extremely difficult pursuit for someone in the midst of medical recovery. With the loss of a salary, perhaps income potential for some time, you could be in for a world of problems, all needing your immediate attention.

Typically, insurance agencies will have lawyers fighting to protect their clients from personal injury lawsuits. When you identify a defendant in a personal injury claim, you initiate a process where professional litigators, negotiators and investigators work assiduously to ensure your compensation as a result of this accident is severely limited. 

As a result you’ll be fighting an uphill battle in recovering the highest level of compensation to which you’re entitled if you don’t have a team fighting for your best interests. Even if the evidence is clear and the injuries are severe, insurance agencies insure they maintain a team working to reduce the amount of compensation you receive. Without an experienced personal injury attorney working on your behalf, you may walk away with less than you deserve, and worse, less than you need to come out of this situation whole.

A personal injury attorney will work to: (1) identify and interview witnesses in your case; investigate the accident’s circumstances; (2) work to collect all necessary medical reports and document any and all costs for recovery; (3) keep your case on track with adherence to all filing deadlines; and (4) anticipate any difficulties you may encounter in pursuit of your claim and advise on how to navigate them, among a host of other responsibilities that need to be on your radar in such a situation. Importantly, an experienced personal injury attorney will be in a position to know all of the potential damages to which you may be entitled, ensuring you don’t leave any potential compensation on the negotiating table.

Given the fact that the defendant’s insurer and their team are working hard to limit your compensation, they would never advance the fact that you may in some cases be entitled to loss of employability, loss of consortium (loss or impairment of the intangible benefits of a relationship), necessary future medical treatment, punitive damages, and other damages not typically recovered when the plaintiff self-represents in personal injury claims. Yet, once you accept a settlement offer and sign-off on a release in order to receive those funds, the case is closed and you can no longer recover any damages resulting from your injuries no matter what develops. A personal injury attorney is in a position to foresee all of the damages to which you may be entitled in your case and fight for your right to recover them at the outset. Furthermore, they will be able to advise you at every step in the process, giving you a view into the process and having experience at moving things along, getting a response from the insurer and advancing your claim when you otherwise might be at a loss to navigate the whole situation.

Ultimately, people who pursue personal injury claims with an experience personal injury attorney recover 3.5 times greater compensation than those without. 

If you have been injured at the hands of others and want to insure you receive the highest compensation award you’re entitled to receive, consider speaking with an experienced injury attorney like those at Bizzieri Law Offices in Chicago. We work hard to ensure our clients get the highest compensation awards. We’re responsive and keep the lines of communication open with our clients at all times. We never collect a fee unless we recover compensation for you. Call us today at 773.881.900 for a free case review.