The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) describes aggressive driving as any operation of a that vehicle puts people or property in danger or is likely to do so. Nearly 6.8 million motor vehicle accidents occur in the United States every year, and a great many of them can often be attributed to aggressive driving. 

Aggressive driving can take on many forms. They may include cutting off a driver who has the right of way; racing on the roads, neglecting to signal; speeding to prevent another driver from legally passing you; weaving in and out of lanes dangerously; and tailgating. It’s easy to see how that kind of behavior on the roadways can lead to traffic accidents, and sometimes, aggressive driving can even lead to “road rage.” It’s obviously much safer and more prudent to drive defensively, always cognizant of the risks that traffic and pedestrians pose.

(Understanding How Negligence May Be Defined in Personal Injury Claims)

What to Do When Injured in an Accident Caused by an Aggressive Driver

When you find yourself in an accident caused by aggressive driving, it’s always wise to take some very important steps to ensure you are able to recover damages should there be any resulting from injuries or other losses.

The first thing you should do is call the police to report the accident. Many drivers understand that their insurance premiums will increase as a result of a claim for which they are responsible. Some may attempt to negotiate a settlement at the scene. This is not advisable as some accidents result in delayed injuries, the driver may not actually pay the amount agreed to when the time comes. Securing a police report memorializes the facts of your claim, and failing to do so can result in losing your personal injury damages.

When you file your report with the police, it’s important to note your account of the accident and any reckless behavior you observed leading up to it. At the scene, the police officer may actually cite the at-fault driver. If that happens, the citation may be pivotal when bringing a personal injury suit against them. 

If the aggressive driver left the scene of the accident, you should try to photograph their license plate number (and car), if possible. Collecting the contact information for any witnesses present at the scene can also be helpful in ultimately proving your claim. 

Aggressive driving, by definition, is a sign of negligent behavior on the roadways. It represents a breach of your duty of care toward others on the roads. 

An experienced personal injury attorney will be able to prepare your case properly to ensure that you have the best chance at recovery when seeking damages for medical costs, loss of income, and all other damages that may fall within the scope of losses you suffered as a result of the at-fault driver’s neglect.

If you’re looking for an experienced Chicago personal injury lawyer to help navigate your personal injury claim, we will fight assiduously for your right to the compensation you deserve. Call Bizzieri Law Offices at 773.881.9000. The case evaluation is free, and we never charge a fee unless we recover damages for you.